Animal Acupressure
The body has a natural balance. When the body gets out of balance it can result in pain and other medical conditions.
Acupressure is a therapy developed thousands of years ago as an important aspect of Chinese medicine. It is the application of pressure with the thumb or fingers to the same distinct points on the body as acupuncture. When applying pressure along energy meridians it creates a stimulating therapeutic effect. There are over 361 acupressure points located throughout the body. These points have various functions used to address issues including, but not limited to:
pain and lameness
neurological disorders
skin disorders
behavioral disorders
reproductive disorders
gastrointestinal disorders (including Colic)
immune system function
Acupressure may also lead to the improvement of quality of life in older pets and cancer patients.
Acupressure is safe, effective, and non-invasive.
Call Lisa at (937)725-7204 for a free consultation.
*Acupressure is not a medical diagnostic tool, nor is it a substitute for veterinary care.

Animal Massage
Massage Therapy is manual manipulation of soft body tissues (muscle, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments) by using palpation, kneading, & manipulative touch technique. Massage has been credited with increasing performance level, competitiveness and endurance in all animals and provides overall well-being!
There are many benefits of massage therapy. Benefits can be physical, mental & emotional.
The Benefits
Pain reduction (release of endorphins, natural pain killer)
Relaxes muscles
Improved muscle tone and flexibility
Prevention of loss of movement & atrophy in inactive muscles
Support joint health & function
Rehabilitation after injury or surgery
Improved athletic agility & coordination
Increased energy & endurance
Relieves stress
Helps remove toxins & waste from the body
Promotes blood and lymph circulation
Improves immune system function
Stimulates the metabolism
How do I know if my Equine or Canine Companion is a candidate for massage?
Canine & Equine
Performance/working animals
Competitive/show animals
Inactive animals
Suffering from arthritis and/or hip dysplasia
Recovering from an injury or surgery
Anxious and in need of relaxation & calming
Unwilling to move forward, unable to back up
Refusing jumps or knocking poles
Unwilling/unable to work up or down inclines or hills
Difficulty with lateral movements
Shortened strides
Refusal to pick-up correct lead
Toe dragging
Unexplained lameness
Bucking or rearing
Stiff on one rein
Girth or “cold back” problems
Unexplained change in disposition
Change in eating or sleeping habits...
Head tossing
Reluctance to be touched around poll/ear area
Excessive stretching of head and neck
Head carriage issues
*Massage is not a medical diagnostic tool, nor is it a substitute for veterinary care.
Call Lisa at (937)725-7204 for a free consultation.
*Massage is not a medical diagnostic tool, nor is it a substitute for veterinary care.

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – “Rei” which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and “Ki” which is "life force energy". If one's "life force energy" is low, then one is more likely to get sick or feel stress. If it is high, one is more capable of being happy and healthy.
Reiki is a light, non-manipulative touch technique for stress reduction, relaxation, and a feeling of peace, security, and wellbeing. It also promotes healing and balance throughout the body, emotions, mind, and spirit. It is a simple, natural, and safe method of spiritual healing and it has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady. Reiki creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery. Many humans have reported miraculous results. For this reason several medical facilities such as hospitals and hospice care are now using Reiki with their patients. That is why I incorporate it into each of my animal wellness sessions.